Nice and Blue
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Apparently since it's my fault the update was late, I should be the one
write the rant...
I don't owe you an explanation.
I bought Astonishing X-Men: Torn, the third Astonishing X-Men graphic
yesterday, and proceeded to read a half year's worth of comics in one
evening. This is a series that continues to impress me and is one of
the few
comic series I'm actually reading at the moment. The Torn story arc
me every bit as much as the first arc, Gifted did. John Cassaday's art
fantastic and Joss Whedon's typical banter works surprisingly well for
I also appreciate how Cyclops is portrayed. A lot of X-Men
make him incredibly dull, but Whedon's portrayal of Cyclops is
of Chris Claremont's writing from the 80's, when Cyclops actually had a
personality. This is, of course, before Claremont's writing began to
Similarly, Wolverine is handled very well; many writers make him into
just a
clawed fighter with an attitude (Wolverine in my experience is one of
Marvel's worst written books), and while I won't say I think he's the
fascinating X-Man, Joss uses him wisely and there are even some laugh
loud moments involving Wolverine in the story.
I'm tired of ranting now.
M-m-m-my Sharona!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yeah, with the time I've been having, y'all probably don't want to hear much from me anyway.
Its been mid-terms, and thats been hard. I've been having rediculous financial problems due to my incompetence.
So, yup. The one thing I've accomplished this month is actually fulfilling my responsibilities to the comic! So thats good, and worth acknowledging.
- Emrys