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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
Guest Starring Brother Danielson

Monday, April 2, 2007

I always have ideas for interesting news posts until I sit down to type it out and realize all my ideas are boring. When it comes down to it, my life is filled with absolutely nothing that is interesting.

The Amish Van's Myspace site has been receiving a lot of friend requests from young ladies of questionable reputation. This sucks.

One thing I should probably mention is that the tree costume in panel 1 of today's comic is not an exaggeration. Brother Danielson really wears that at his shows.


Someone Needs a Spanking

Wednesday, April 14, 2007

Its me.

I've been sick for the past few weeks. It basically leaves me too tired to think about updating the comic until its so late that I'm humiliated not to. Maybe I need iron or something.

In anycase, we got a whole week of getting ahead that we will almost certainly immediately squander.

E-mail Kevin and demand that he not squander his extra time.

- Emrys

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