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To the Rescue

The Amish Van

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Kevin's Rant of the Day Emrys' Rant of the Day
Late but worth it

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sorry for the delay in the comic schedule last week, but real life decided to sucker punch me and I didn't want to rush through this particular comic's artwork just to get it done in time so I pushed it back a week. I'm pleased with the results, I hope you are as well.

I really don't have a whole lot else to say. Enjoy.


We're back!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Well, its my fault the web site didn't get updated last week. As you can see from Kevin's side of the page he had some trouble at work. But I didn't get around to putting up his explanation until just today.

I've been reading the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman. For those few of you who are not already familiar, Sandman is a series of mature audience comic books from the 90s that really pumped artistic blood into graphic fiction. They're definitely a huge influence on my writing and the way I think and they always leave me feeling a little bit out of touch with reality when I'm done.

Thanks for reading.

- Emrys