I'm not dead
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Yeah, so we haven’t been the most reliable with the updates lately. We still intend to do three a week, but right now that just hasn’t been happening. I’m not sure there’s any legitimate reason for this. I’ve had pretty much all of these comics done well in advance to the point where they only need lettered and colored, it just hasn’t been happening. There is an excuse, but it really isn’t what I would consider a good one.
The problem is, I’ve got the it’s summer bug.
This isn’t the same as the bug I had a couple weeks ago which caused me to regurgitate repeatedly (if anyone cared to know, portabello sandwiches don’t taste very good the second time around). This is the “everyone’s-home-from-college-they-
my-comic” bug.
It’s a debilitating disease for webcomic artists whose day job doesn’t happen to be their comic. I’m a graphic designer during the daytime. I don’t feel as though I’ve missed my creative output for the day if I don’t draw a comic because I am required to be creative all day. This is a bad thing for the website. Don’t write us off, though... We’ll eventually get it together and be thrice a week webcomic stars. It is destiny.
Just wanted to give the URL to a site I enjoy. www.mrtesty.com. It is a site for pretentious elitists like myself where the owner, Mr. Testy belittles your favorite songs. He writes scathing, often hilarious reviews of some of the worst specimens of music out there. Check it out. He expresses his hatred for popular music in a far more eloquent way than I am able to.
That’s about it for this time. I’ll try to not be lazy and start getting the comics to Emrys on time. What a concept.
Don't Let Kevin Fool You
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
The problem with late updates is mostly on my end.
The last comic is getting tweaked, I made a mistake with the dialog. Monday's comic will be up tomorrow afternoon/evening and the comic for tomorrow will by up on Friday. After that, I'll be out of state for a week and we'll begin again at the end of the month.
- Emrys